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  • Assassin's Creed II   14 years 3 weeks ago

    So, not much to actually do during the first hour? I find it surprising that the Miles storyline is more fast-paced and action-packed than the actual assassin storyline. That's appreciated, I guess, but like you the original, at this point, you were well on your way to taking out targets and causing a ruckus.

    Also, was there an Animus tutorial like in the original?

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    I also do not own any current-gen systems (if a DS Lite doesn't count). My latest system is a GameCube, and I have many good reasons for not owning a newer one:

    1. I have two kids (and one on the way) now, and my play time is limited. As such, I don't feel it a wise expenditure to drop a couple or 3 hundred dollars on something which wouldn't get used very often. Although I would love to own a PS3, it just really wouldn't get enough play time to justify at this point. My first current-gen system will probably be a Wii, simply because there are more game on it that I would be able to play with my wife, and for the Virtual Console and GameCube backwards compatibility.

    2. There are lots of games on the GameCube I have yet to play. Some of them I own. Some of them I can find cheaply used, and sometimes even new. I realized that the hardware cycle was a way of keeping consumers buying new things. Why buy a new system when the old one is still fun? The GameCube didn't suddenly get worse just because new systems came out.

    3. My bro-in-law loaned me his PS3 which let me play most of the games I wanted to.

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Ok, quickly with regard to the HDDs, they simply take a Western Digital scorpio and format it specifically for the 360. Then they throw it in a generic OEM enclosure and you're good to go. You just get it, plug it in and voila. Nothing for the end user to do at all. You can save $10 by ordering the drive from Newegg and installing the HDD in the enclosure yourself, but I didn't want the hassle so I just ordered the finished product. There's nothing complicated or shady about it though.

    As for the length of the comments, I consider it a compliment to the thought provoking nature of your article. I love topics that get the blood pumping the fingers hopping on the keyboard. This is a subject I think most of us are passionate about (thus our participation in an enthusiast site). So thanks for that.

    I just hope the length of the exchange doesn't obscure the fact that I'm really in almost lock step with your assessment of the current generation. The only difference being that your/our complaints weren't enough to dissuade my purchases. I'm not trying to convince you to re-think your position. On the contrary, I absolutely understand it. I'm just more heavily addicted to my pastime, and perhaps thats a problem I should deal with personally. :)

    Thanks again for a great article.

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    How do those harddrives work? People take specific (ie: 20, 60, 120g) models and throw them in an enclosure and they just work? I've seen people selling bigger harddrives but I assumed it was for jtagged systems only, as those seem to be capable of pretty much everything. I was more looking for something I could either buy and hook up myself if not an affordable official method.

    *Actually I just looked it up and it seems exactly like this. Seems a bit complicated and shady and at that point, almost may as well jtag and make a pirate system. Although yes, it is an option, although seemingly a gray area in terms of legality and if it'll work or not.

    And my only current thumb drive is an old 2gb, which does its job for easily transferring data and listening to music in the car. If I did have random 16 larger drives lying around, I agree that it would be more viable to me, but at ~$2/gig, didn't seem worthwhile it to buy drives for this purpose. Smaller, cheaper drives would fill quickly and would only require more purchases down the road. I've done the research as I've been genuinely interested but I'm just not happy with the options available and the problems start and end with Microsoft's decisions. Looking at the PS3, it can certainly be done in a manner more fair to the customer. But Sony has no stake in such storage sales....

    As far as Wii shortages, I have no choice but to withdraw from that conversation as you know what you're talking about and I have no actual proof to the contrary :P Either way, my frustrations with the actual shortages completely destroyed my interest in the system along with reservations I already had about the system, despite my vow.

    And I fear that these comments may get to the point where they take up more space than the article itself, which would be frightening but also pretty hilarious.

  • Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer   14 years 3 weeks ago

    It's a pretty fun game when you get into it. Although when you die and lose +30 weapons it's a real piss off.

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    "My decisions have led me to saving tons of time and money on games, half of which would likely have gone unplayed anyway."
    Very good point. I have LOTS of unplayed games and probably waste too much time and money on my current gen systems. Point to you. :)

    "For the 360, you need to either buy the official drives and massively overpay or now, attach external devices via the USB ports. However, the 360 USB partitions are limited to 16 gigs each. So if you attach say, a $70 1tb drive, you'll only have access to 16 gigs since the full functionality would hurt their harddrive sales."

    I may not have worded my previous response properly. You DON'T have to buy official drives for the 360. I bought a third party drive on ebay for $50 for a 120GB in enclosure. It's not MS official and it works perfectly. You can also get the 250GB versions for $60 or so.

    Second, the USB drive support is designed for thumb drives. Sure, one could argue this is to protect their HDD sales, but honestly, who cares? If you can go buy an arcade system for $199 and throw a USB thumb drive on there to download demos, use netflix, etc, you're up and running on the cheap, using hardware you probably had sitting around anyway. Part of why I think you sound jaded, is because it seems your entire focus seems to be what you CAN'T do with each system, rather than what you CAN. The glass is half full! :)

    As for the Nintendo shortages. [WALL OF TEXT]I'm not sure how closely you followed it, but when the Wii first launched, several "inside" sources confirmed that Nintendos manufacturing ramp up was 6 months. This was corroborated by other industry norms. Basically, when you launch a product, you have to design your manufacturing capacity based on anticipated demand. After a couple months of shortages (the first months of shortages are always meaningless on a new product) you can choose to increase that capacity. In Nintendos case, this meant opening up a new assembly line. This also meant increasing orders for parts and components. Basically, the information that came out was that all the increases in orders and assembly meant that in order to see an increase in the channel, it would take about 6 months from the time of the choice. Then, if thats not enough to meet demand, it would basically be another 6 months for an additional ramp up. Looking at sales numbers, thats exactly what we ended up seeing. There were significantly larger weekly sell throughs, like clockwork, every 6 months after launch. Based on this information, I think it's pretty clear that Nintendo was increasing supply at every opportunity, while still being conservative and attempting not to overshoot demand. It's a difficult balance. If you overshoot demand, you lose a ton of money, but if you underestimate, you also risk losing potential sales. Nintendo would have been out of their mind to try to stoke demand as long as they did, and risk the Wii bubble bursting. If the bubble burst, every sale they "stoked" would be a non-sale.[/WALL OF TEXT]

    Think about this. For the rumors to be correct, it means Nintendo was utterly psychic and new EXACTLY how to stay just below demand AND that they took astronomical risks by not producing enough consoles INTENTIONALLY. Neither one sounds like the Nintendo I've known for decades. Nintendo doesn't like risks. They are conservative. And they are not particularly well known for being psychic when it comes to the gaming market, at least not for a really long time.

    I've found that any time a conspiracy theory requires that lots of people be incredibly intelligent and/or nearly able to see the future, it's probably not a very good theory.

    The more sane answer is that Nintendo made conservative judgments about what demand actually was and was simply wrong, combined with a supply chain that was slow to increase production even when it was clearly needed.

    Which sounds more like the Nintendo you know? Brilliant, nearly psychic ability to predict the actions of a previously untapped market including the exact demand for a console unlike what anyone had every designed, or conservative, sluggish, and unsure of what people really want? Based on most of your other valid complaints about the Wii, I'd say its clear how you view the company and I think you're right. The question is if this theory fits with the rest of the facts.

    But again, I agree with pretty much all your other gripes and even with just a PC, you've still got a ton of great gaming options. :)

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Certainly don't feel sad. My decisions have led me to saving tons of time and money on games, half of which would likely have gone unplayed anyway. In the end, such decisions come down to motivation and desire. Thus far, I've decided that they aren't worth it to me, so I haven't bought them. This article is more or less just explaining the details behind why.

    I touched on the 360 usb drive support and how I believe it's a giant ripoff as it's arbitrarily limited to 16 gigs per device.

    As for the Wii, I wouldn't have had a problem if it was just hard to find during say, the initial launch through the holiday season. But fact of the matter is that it continued well past a year, pretty much through the next holiday season. This is what I don't understand, as in my eyes, they'd certainly be able to ramp up production to meet demand by this time given a company of their weight. If you have any more insight or think it's still possible for that long, feel free to correct me. But I'd still tend to believe the rumors as it stands.

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Hey Steve,

    First, yes, you sound very jaded.

    Second, I loved reading this story. I always like to hear about how others came to where they are, what made them the gamer they are. But this story is so sad! While I actually agree with most of your gripes, it saddens me to think that you've missed out on so many fun games (on all 3 platforms really).

    With regard to the 360, there actually are some viable and affordable storage options. I bought a brand new OEM 120GB HDD on Ebay for $50 shipped. Thats not bad. Also, with the latest firmware updates, you can use external USB drives for additional storage which is a huge improvement. And with some reading, you can learn about which SKUs have the lowest failure rate based on the internals. So while I'm still very vocal about the irresponsibility of MS' design decisions, I think the risk can be mitigated to the point where the purchase finally makes sense at $199 or less.

    As for the PS3, I don't know what to say about that. I was really disappointed when they removed PS2 backward compatibility because I was really looking forward to unplugging my PS2 finally. I still had a handful of games that I intended to eventually complete but I was waiting for the PS3 price to drop. Little did I know that it would only drop because they would remove features. But, still, it has a lot of features and Blu-Ray (while it sucks for gaming) is a pretty nice bonus.

    The only part I would "take issue" with was the Wii availability. As a buyer for a company, I'm often tasked with predicting demand and managing stock quantities. This job is incredibly difficult, particularly when you have demand greater than supply. When this is the case, its almost impossible to know what ACTUAL demand is. The general response to this is to slowly increment your supply until you find where demand is. If you increase your supply too much too fast, and you overshoot demand, you can lose a TON of money. In my case, the problem would be tying up valuable corporate capital with stagnant stock on hand. In Nintendos case, it would be creating additional unnecessary manufacturing capacity which is HUGELY expensive. Basically, if you're running a business and you're trying to figure out where demand is, a smart and conservative company will always handle it the way Nintendo did. I can say with certainty that their decisions were not dictated by an attempt to stoke demand. They did what any responsible company would do in the situation. If you want to blame them for something, blame them for so drastically UNDER estimating initial demand. That is likely what caused the whole thing, because they honestly had no idea the thing would be a hit, let alone wildly popular. This ties into my theory that the Wii was actually just an experiment that proved wildly successful beyond their imagination, which is part and parcel of most of the complaints against the system. Much of what they sell as "blue ocean strategy" is actually (according to my theory) just hedging against failure. Perhaps this would make a good topic for a future article. "Planning for failure: The story of the Wii"

  • Mister Mosquito   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Lol, this game's really creative!

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   14 years 4 weeks ago

    Oh God, you are right. Nocturne is one of the hardest games I've ever played. Persona 3 is cakewalk compared to it. Persona 3 is like, the preliminary stage for SMT; if you find it too hard, don't even touch any of the other ones. Persona 3 is still one of the best games ever made. This guy shouldn't bash on it for being unique and a little challenging.

  • Braid   14 years 4 weeks ago

    Good review but 6 for the story? I have never played a game where the developper tried that hard to make an original story! This is just not for kids and as you mentionned it, the game can be played easily without taking care of the story, but the fact that the whole game is actually a big metaphor is an incredible genius concept, imo. (sorry for my bad english)

  • Jet Set Radio Future   14 years 4 weeks ago

    I own this game and have played through it once. its great the first run through, though some of the later levels are a bit much. (skyscraper district and a roller coaster themed one) for tagging. but all in all its a great game with TONS of unlock-able characters. i didn't even end up with 1/2 the first run through.

  • The Famitsu 40/40 List: A Review   14 years 4 weeks ago

    I really enjoyed the gameplay of FFXII, but I cannot remember very much about the story or characters at all since I've played it. (over 3 or 4 years ago) That's not really a good sign since I played the game for about 180 hours. I guess my memory was too busy getting overloaded with a billion different chemical reactions in the first year of grad school. Oh well, I did have fun running around killing monsters forever... I think even the secret boss was really easy because I was waaaaaaaaaaaay overleveled.

  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic   14 years 4 weeks ago

    This game is a true masterpiece. Nice review btw! Keep it up! :D

  • Number Munchers   14 years 4 weeks ago

    not certain if the emulators also had emulated joystick support, I didn't bother trying lol. but I did think of attempting to play it on my street fighter tournament edition stick when I saw the joystick menu at the start, not gonna lie

  • TouchMaster 3   14 years 4 weeks ago

    No idea. I won most of the badges out of sheer luck and not paying attention.

  • The Famitsu 40/40 List: A Review   14 years 4 weeks ago

    Wow, I had no idea some of these got 40/40. Most surprising to me is Final Fantasy XII, but not because I disagree with it. I enjoyed it much more than previous Final Fantasy entries and saw it as a fresh change of pace. The MMO-like battle system made fighting fast-paced and streamlined, as did the gambits. However, the game has its flaws (the biggest being a drastic cutback on character development, a vital part to many RPGs), and I know reviewers were split on loving/hating it. Guess Famitsu falls into the first category.

    And let's just call Nintendogs a brainfart on their part.

  • The Famitsu 40/40 List: A Review   14 years 4 weeks ago

    The ironic thing is that as they have been awarding more perfect scores, imo (not potato) the quality of games coming from Japan has been declining. I'm reminded of your previous post about JRPGs... (I can't stand to play most nowadays either)

  • Number Munchers   14 years 4 weeks ago

    Wow, Take me back to my childhood! That looks just like some of my 1st computer games. Can we pull out the old joysticks to play?

  • Mass Effect 2: Kasumi's Stolen Memory   14 years 4 weeks ago

    Honestly I'm still not sure though... I saw somewhere else that they just reused lines, which if they did they fit just fine. I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere.

  • Mass Effect 2: Kasumi's Stolen Memory   14 years 4 weeks ago

    "I can imagine that having an actual conversation would require bringing back both Shepard voice actors for additional work"

    aren't they already doing additional work since they're having all the extra story/etc interactions in this dlc? :P

    edit: oh, you talked about this later lol

  • Grand Theft Auto 2   14 years 4 weeks ago

    I have fond memories of playing a cracked version of GTA2 which was hooked up to play online. There was a blue dodge viper with racing stripes which was awesome!

  • TouchMaster 3   14 years 4 weeks ago

    On Poker Slide, I can't get the badge that says something like 'ace, up, down, left, right' etc - I think the badge is called going nowhere or something - I've got every other one apart from that - it's very irratating. Any suggestions?

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   14 years 4 weeks ago

    Do you want some lube? Because you sound that your butt hurts from being so anal. Sheesh, P3 is so easy, doesn't even reaches the difficulty of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

  • Number Munchers   14 years 4 weeks ago