Recent comments

  • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night   14 years 2 weeks ago

    You should have played more the game gets way better as you go exspecialy when you go into the inverted castle it has stronger enimes and new and more powerful bosses.

  • Iron Man 2 Conference Q&A   14 years 2 weeks ago

    I'm pretty sure Eric Loomis didn't voice Iron Man for the animated films....

    Marc Worden voiced Iron Man & Tony Stark in Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Avengers II, The Invincible Iron Man and Planet Hulk.

    Tom Kane voiced Iron Man & Tony Stark in Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow.

    sources: behindthevoiceactors, imdb, voicechasers, wikipedia, DVD credits

    Guess the man didn't have his facts straight.

  • Retiring my Nintendo DS Phat   14 years 2 weeks ago

    I'm a huge fan of handlheld games, it's easy to find time to play. As Paul A. mentioned in the above comment, I can bring my DS to the in-laws and play video games to my heart's content. When I was in college I would bring my DS (Phat, back then) with me and play between classes. Or during them.

  • Retiring my Nintendo DS Phat   14 years 2 weeks ago

    The DSi can play games that the DS Lite can't play, thanks to the cameras and the download service. Also, the 3DS is supposedly the successor to the DS line, not just another iteration.

    That being said, I myself have a DS Lite and wouldn't get a DSi unless someone gave it to me. As far as the 3DS, we'll have to just wait and see.

  • Retiring my Nintendo DS Phat   14 years 2 weeks ago

    For the longest time, I never even knew there was a version before the DS Lite. But they all work the same, which is why I'm not jumping the gun to upgrade to the next iterations: DSi, DSi XL, and the forthcoming 3DSi XL whatever it'll be called. You could've kept playing your DS Phat until the moon breaks in two at the price of some discoloration. But $61 is a great deal.

    And I also want to second your complaint about the volume nub. I generally DS over the weekend when visiting family or the fiancee, and if I'm in the room with others and gaming, it can be a real chore to get the volume set just right where it is not too loud, but still audible.

  • Retiring my Nintendo DS Phat   14 years 2 weeks ago

    I find it pretty amazing that people even still play handhelds lol. I really can't imagine any time I'd actually use one, but I guess it works for people as the DS is wildly profitable.

    PS: Anyone wanna buy a GBA package? :P

  • Trine   14 years 2 weeks ago

    I heard rumors that blamed Microsoft. They were something like, Microsoft wasn't happy if indie devs didn't release first on XBLA or at least at the same time as PSN. Then Atlas picked it up to publish but seemingly ran into other issues.

    Whether or not it's true, I don't know.

  • Trine   14 years 2 weeks ago

    I bought this game a few months ago during a Steam sale for really cheap, like 5 bucks or something insane, and still haven't played it. Why wasn't it ever released on the Xbox 360? I'd probably buy another copy on XBLA just to play this game on the couch.

  • Assassin's Creed II   14 years 3 weeks ago

    I really struggled with the slow start of this game. What minute was it when you finally get a sword, oh wait, you still don't have one at minute 60!

    I can say from personal experience, its nearly another full hour before you actually get a sword, and then probably 30 more minutes before you get to do anything even close to an assassination. I will say the story definitely picks up, with lots of political intrigue with your father.

    However, the nonsense fetch quests the blatant feeling that this game had become GTAIV with parkour was really killing the experience for me.

    I did however like the fact that the guy cheating on your sisters name was "Ducio". Based on how he's portrayed in the scene, I'm pretty sure that's italian for "Douche" bag.

    I too will eventually play this game in full but not until I have little else to do. In fact, I think I'd probably play the first one again before I go back to this one. I actually liked the first one quite a bit.

  • Turok: Dinosaur Hunter   14 years 3 weeks ago

    your hatin on turok cuz u know u got raped a bunch of times, im a ninja in that game but i agree it does get frustrating

  • Turok: Dinosaur Hunter   14 years 3 weeks ago

    i love ne old school game, and let me tell you turok is old school, i could never beat it when i was younger so i went online to look for tips to get redemption!! turok here i come!!

  • Assassin's Creed II   14 years 3 weeks ago

    I actually don't own it, was just borrowing it for a week. Like I said in my conclusion, I will inevitably probably play this game to the end, because I feel committed to the series (for better or worse).

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   14 years 3 weeks ago

    I actually do own Persona 4, and I will play it eventually.

    I would probably agree with your assessment that P3 is the deepest RPG on the PS2, I guess deep isn't what I was looking for though. I play games to have fun and after a certain point it wasn't doing it for me, I tried to go...

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   14 years 3 weeks ago

    This is the same ANON from before.

    I'm going to yell at you because it seems like you didn't even finish it! I misread your last line. BOO @ YOU.

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Oh wow...

    I am surprised someone could dislike this game. I could see them going out and saying a different persona game was better, but it's hard to argue with how everything was put together.

    Tartaurus is grind, but aren't all RPG dungeons? At least it's not masked grind. There is a lot going on it it, and it's meant to separate real life from the dungeon, per se. There is a lot of symbolism in P3, and I'd go as far as to say it is the best and deepest RPG on PS2, no doubt, and maybe one of the best of all time. I haven't had that much fun with a game since I was very young. The dating-sim aspect was 'the missing link' that made the already amazing Persona concept more playable. I don't know about you, but P1 made me nauseous with all of the random battles and p2, well... I'm not too hot on that one, either. But then along came P3! I hated everyone who said Final Fantasy 7 was the best game ever when FF4j and even FF6 were superior, and I understand the wrath of P1 and P2 lovers at the influx of new fans from P3, but I believe P3 is deserving. FF7 added graphics where as P3 went much deeper and put the cherry on top of the system.

    You need to suck it up and go back and try it again! Or try P4. Even though P3 is way better...

    But you were right about Odin Sphere...

  • Assassin's Creed II   14 years 3 weeks ago

    I think you should give it a try for longer. I've heard that once all this stuff is gone, and Ezio is fully an assassin, the game gets much better. You don't even have to review it, but seeing as you already have the game, you might as well...

  • How Persona 3 destroyed my love for Japanese RPGs   14 years 3 weeks ago

    p3 is one of the worst games I've ever played. I love Final Fantasy VII, but, the begining is a little slow and boring (the Barret/reactor part) so I kept that in mind while playing p3 and it never changed. The Social Link's part sucked and so did the battles. And I thought this game was supposed to be good. Anyway, Final Fantasy X is the best game for the playstation 2. The problem with that is no game comes close to it so it ruined my ps2 outlook.

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    I keep forgetting Activision owns Blizzard now... :(

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    You're right about Starcraft, but then again, that is Activision again :P

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Yeah, I kind of missed/skipped the SNES generation and only hopped back into gaming (after a girl chasing, life in a rock band hiatus of about 9 years) at the very tail end of the N64 so I missed the really expensive cartridge days. I do remember wanting to buy SMB3 at shopko when I was a freshman in Highschool and have a distinct memory of it being $54.99. right when it came out.

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Well, back when I was playing on the SNES my parents were buying the games for Christmas or whatnot, so I wasn't paying attention to the price. I might have actually paid $60 for a N64 game, I believe that's what they sold for. I bought one or two of those in my day....

    Also, I've noticed a lot more PC games being scaled up to match the console price point. I went to pre-order StarCraft II to get into the beta and noticed it was going to be $60, although that could just be GameStop covering themselves without knowing the actual price.

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Yeah, if there's one thing I forgot to mention, it was the benefits of playing on PC, like only needing one centralized console to have and worry about. Also how the games are almost always cheaper than 360/PS3 (with a few exceptions, aka Activision and Modern Warfare 2).

    With that said, I can't really say $60 is crazy or unreasonable, but the average game certainly isn't worth that much. But like, how much did we pay for expensive SNES carts? Maybe 70-80, not even counting inflation?

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    That's what I was doing until a few weeks ago when my bro-in-law loaned me the PS3. I'm still following the industry, I know all the games that are coming out, and I even look forward to them, even though I don't plan on buying them.

    It's great to be able to pick up last-gen games for under $20. That way even if I don't give them that much play time, it's still worth it. I've never paid $60 for a game, and I hope I never will.

    That being said, the new Wii bundle being touted on Kotaku and others might push me over the edge. Black Wii, comes with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort and Motion+ for $200. But even if (when) I do, a) Wii games are only $50 ;) and b) there are still a lot of Wii games to catch up on that should be lower priced.

  • Why I still don't own any current gen consoles   14 years 3 weeks ago

    This was exactly my mentality for a long time, and to a certain degree, still is. I bought a Wii at launch because well, the Wii is awesome for the very reason you mention. My wife and I never gamed together very much until the Wii, now she buys games herself. But I was quite late to getting a 360 or PS3 for the very same reason. I prided myself on being a few years behind the gaming curve. It kept the hobby affordable and meant I had enormous options. Plus, because I was a few years behind, the hype in games had faded to the point that you really knew what was considered good and what was considered bad. Unfortunately, I got too caught up in it and slowly but surely, I've gotten nearly caught up to "real time". Part of the problem is that I work with a lot of gamers, (I know, thats a problem?) but they are all younger and put HUGE importance on the latest and greatest. It was hard talking to them about games (which I love to do) when I was playing a game they played 3 years prior. Now that I'm caught up, I'm genuinely a bit sad because I've noticed that the games I'm interested in are full price! Arg. I hate full price. I love bargain bins. I love older games. I've often mentioned this to my wife, that I need to stop, right where I am now, freeze time and take a gaming hiatus where I neither buy new games, nor read about any upcoming games, for about 3 years. Then I can spend a few years getting caught up and all my gaming choices will be super cheap. Is this weird? I think it's weird, but I'm darn close to doing it.

  • Assassin's Creed II   14 years 3 weeks ago

    Not an animus tutorial, but this time you play as a baby Ezio and move your arms (minute 5). Definitely not as deep, but since the game just features some light fisticuffs at the opening instead of all out killing, it's not as big of deal.